Jul 31, 2019

NO RULES & LEGIT! Kids can create a mess & paint with anything (even a water gun!) at Splat Paint House!

As a parent, I have lost count of the number of times that I feel so stressed up whenever my kids did any form of painting at home.

"Line the floor with newspapers first!"

"Don't drip the paint everywhere!"

"Alamak, why you go mix the different colours of paint together?"

"Don't splatter the paint on your siblings!"

"Aiyoh, paint one picture but my whole house becomes a war zone!"

Sounds familiar? 😅

Well, now all of us can rest easy knowing that the kids can wreck (colourful) havoc at another place!

A pop-up art studio called Splat Paint House has opened at MOX @ Katong Point where everyone are highly encouraged to play with paints!

Yes, there are NO rules, NO boundaries and NO stress here. Just an enclosed space for you to unleash your creativity and make a mess out of the space – all in the name of art, at Singapore's only splatter paint studio!

Looks messy? That is the whole point of this art studio. Unlike other art jamming studios, one doesn't need to be artistically inclined to wield the brush... or in this case, using any of the tools provided in the studio.

Frankly, who will use paintbrushes when there are more fun tools like straws, syringes, marbles, and yes... even water pistols and guns!

No wonder the monkies were only too eager to get started. 😁

A Starter Package starts from $39 and includes a 40x50cm canvas, 400ml paints (5 colours), 2 syringes, 1 squirt bottle or water gun. Coveralls, shoe covers, safety glasses, gloves are also included. So no worries if you are dressed in white... although I still wouldn't recommend it. LOL.

However, we went on a weekday where there is a Happy Hour rate (Tues to Fri, 3pm - 6pm) so I paid $30 per pax. The package included everything mentioned in the Starter Package.

After a short briefing, then that was it - the monkies were left entirely on their own to conure their masterpiece.

Remember what I said about not having to be artistically inclined? Yep, anything and everything goes at Splat Paint House. Because how often can one use a water gun and spray paint everywhere, without a care in the world???

I took a bit of paint from Ayd and hurled it towards the canvas with all my strength and strangely enough, it felt extremely good! I think I must have released a little bit of pent-up stress within me with that throw of the paint.

And since paint was limited, I was banned by the monkies from using any more of their paint (drats) while they went on to complete their artwork.

I think the great thing about this is the possibilities are endless. Like Ash, who initially created that erm, blob of mess in the photo above. After some time of mindless flings of paint, he began to have an idea of the artwork he wanted... which in turn resulted in this.

Pretty nice, huh?

So what of the extra paint after one is done with your art?


Clearly, this is a great stress reliever. And Ayd told me so. He said he felt he really released some of the stress inside him as he started flinging paint onto the wall.

Soon it was a free for all.

Anything within the room can be painted... as long as you don't go throwing paint at the staff or other patrons! 😆

I think I don't have to tell you how much the monkies enjoyed their 1-hour session at Splat Paint House.

Personally, I think it makes a great day out with kids. Most of the time, we parents have been telling our kids not to make a mess here or there or anywhere but at Splat Paint House, there is absolute freedom for them to make a mess and go completely crazy!

Heck, I would say it is even for grown-ups - it's great for couple date outings too! - because when was the last time we truly had the licence to make a colourful mess? There's an inner child in all of us, and being able to paint without any rules or boundaries is play in the purest way.

The studio is only a temporary one, and it will be only opened until end August. You can book your slots online!

Useful Information

Splat Paint House
Address: #02-08, MOX, 451 JOO CHIAT RD, SINGAPORE 427664
Opening Hours: MON - FRI 3PM - 9PM | SAT - SUN & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 11AM - 10PM
​Tel: +65 8163 0999
Starter Package $39
40x50cm canvas, 400 ml paints, 2 syringes, 1 squirt bottle or water gun. Coveralls, shoe covers, safety glasses, gloves.

Weekday Happy Hour $30
Tuesday to Fridays. 3 - 6pm. Everything in the starter package.

4 Pax Party $150
4 x starter kits + an extra large canvas + bonus paint. 4x 40x50cm canvas, 1600 ml paints, 8 syringes, 4 squirt bottles or water guns. 4x coveralls, shoe covers, safety glasses, gloves. 1x 60x80cm canvas, 200ml special paints.

Date night $105
2x starter packages. 100ml special paints. Your choice of: 1x 60x80cm large canvas OR 350ml specially selected boutique french wine (red or white)

Book online via HERE.

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