Ok... as promised, Daddy has ceased to be lazy and uploaded the photos of me attempting the Action Adventure circuit at United Square onto the computer. Well, being naggy helps too me think. :P
Well, before we kids attempt any challenges, we were taught to go through a set of warm-up exercises to loosen those muscles.

Hmm... I think I must have the youngest in that group.
Before we scale the big giant wall, we were given a go at a shorter wall first - just to give us a feel of what it is like.

Then we were all geared up and ready to go!

A big
kor-kor gave me final instructions while he strapped me onto the safety harness...

... and up I went the cargo netting!

It was relatively okay for me... maybe 'cos I loved climbing those netting structures at the playground. Hee.
Then next up was the biggie - the wall.

Initially I scurried up the wall pretty fast, but around the halfway mark, my arms began to tire
liao and I lost my momentum. :P

Luckily the big
kor-kor who was holding onto my safety harness was strong enough to slowly pull me up and slowly let me down again when I reached the summit. I need to build up more muscles! Hahaha...
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