27th June: Paradise Country & Movie World, Gold CoastThis day marked the start of our theme parks adventure and for this purpose, we stayed at the Sea World Resort for the next 5 nights. Overkill? Nah, not when they had an offer we couldn't refuse - Pay for 3 nights but stay for 5 nights PLUS free unlimited entry for all of us to Sea World & Movie World for the whole duration of our stay! How to say no? Wahahaha...
One perk of staying at the
Sea World Resort is that we get a different Sesame Street character who greets us at 9am everyday in the resort lobby, and this morning Elmo was the one doing the shift.
Di-di couldn't wake up in time though and was still happily sleeping away in the room when I had my picture taken. However, when we were back in the room,
di-di was already up and asking about the Sesame Street character. And on hearing it was his fave Elmo, he wanted to meet him no matter what...

... never change, never comb hair, never brush teeth! Just to pose with a red monster. :P
After washing up, we were ready for our first theme park of the day! Well, sort of... 'cos it wasn't the Movie World or Sea World that
di-di & I were expecting...

It was the
Paradise Country, which is a farm tour experience with different animal shows like sheep shearing, the sheep dog show, horses show and more.
The first show of the day was the sheep shearing show, and since we had some time to kill, we went to feed some kangaroos first.

Beside farm animals, there were lots of others vintage stuff like carts and carriages which helped the farmers do their work last time.

Hmmmm... not sure how this vintage car helped, but it sure was very big and RED! My fave colour! Hee hee...

Then we spied some interesting ride from afar... some animal that we had not rode on before. So I think we better practice first...

HAHAHAHA... have you guessed what animal is it yet?
It's a....

di-di's helmet was a tad too big for his head, although it was already the smallest size available. So half the time, his helmet was slipping down and covering his eyes.

Lucky for us, he wasn't the one who leading the camel
lor... heh.
But I was very nice
lah ; I tried my best to tilt back
di-di's helmet whenever I could so that he could at least enjoy the fine view up on the hump.

Then it was time to get seated for the sheep shearing show - where one uncle showed us the process of shearing one sheep. Too bad I was too small to give it a try. :P

The admission tickets come with an optional add-on which is a BBQ lunch for an additional A$10. Our advice? Get it 'cos besides a choice of one meat (chicken or fish), we got a free-flow of pasta, rice, fries, salad, bread and fruits!

And as if all that wasn't enough to fill us, there was the traditional Billy Tea and damper demonstration next.

While the adults were busy sipping their tea,
di-di was busy climbing up & down the cart and asking Daddy to snap photos of him...

... while I was busy playing with the friendly sheepdog, which later featured in the sheepdog show that we caught!

And what a smart boy he was - rounding up all the sheep effortlessly!
After the show, all the kids also got the chance to milk a cow - which I performaed rather effortlessly as well. :P

After all that, we realised we had still some time before the theme parks closed. So we hopped over to Movie World, which is actually just next door.

And as the name Movie World implies, you WILL see some of your favourite superheroes. IF you know where to look.

WAHAHAHAHA... Are you able to guess the mysterious identities of the 2 caped crusaders yet? Hee.

lah, I know the colours a bit
salah... but still... we pack a hefty punch okay???

And like all superheroes, we got our own mode of transport too.

The Papa-mobile!!!
We programmed our vehicle to bring us to the Looney Tunes area where we had our first rides of the day... evening actually.

We went on another ride - the Looney Tunes River ride before we had to go
chope some seats at the main street area.

'Cos it is DC Comics' 75th birthday this year, and they are celebrating it with an totally brand-new grand Justice League parade show! There was even a Superheroes Fancy Costume contest... cute
hor? :P

But of course, all our attention was solely reserved for the action-packed parade show which started soon after!

Looney Tunes... Green Lantern... Hawkgirl... Wonder Woman...

The Flash too! Well, he came, erm... in a flash.
Di-di's loudest cheers were reserved for Batman... he was even frantically waving his Batman cape in hope that Batman would look his way... hahaha!

The parade was truly spectacular, much better than the one we saw last year. And as we made our way out of the theme park, it was already dark. We had completely forgone our afternoon naps in exchange for one full day of fun! Hee hee... And there was more to come!!!
hi happyfamily :)
Have u considered Steve Irvin's Australian Zoo (in brisbane), I cannot decide between Steve's and ParadiseCountry. Hope tohear your recommendations ..
thaks, again. andy
Hi andy,
sorry for the late response.
I would think the Australian Zoo will be a much better choice in terms of variety of animals and up-close encounters. But I was told that the zoo is pretty much like our Singapore Zoo, and at the risk of sounding biased, our friends' feedback was that our zoo is much better.
As for Paradise Country, there are experiences and shows like the sheep shearing, dog sheep shows which we can't see in S'pore... so that was the main reason why we chose that our the Australian Zoo. Hope it helps! :)
thanks, we will go Paradise then :)
Only reason Daddy wants AU_zoo is Steve Irvin :)
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