24th June: The East Coast - Forster
Today was the day that
kor-kor & I said bye-bye to Sydney and commenced on our long drive northwards to Brisbane. We planned to make 2 overnight stops along the way, and reach the Gold Coast on the third day.
After about 2 hours on the road, we needed to stretch our limbs and so, we made a lunch stop at Karuah, a village on the banks of the Karuah River near Port Stephens. We were terribly famished too, but I think we were more looking forward to playing with Daddy's & Mummy's iPhones. 'Cos we barely touched them during our holiday so far! :P
So please forgive our pained and forced smiles when Daddy wanted to snap a photo of us.
WAHAHAHAHA... I know, one looked constipated while the other looked downright silly. But all to get it over with so that we can return to the tiny screens.
Daddy didn't want to wait any longer, so he just whacked the juicy burger first.
But our hunger did triumph in the end. So we ditched the apples in favour of yummier fish & chips and burger! Hee hee...
We continued on our way soon after, and decided to make Forster our stop for the night. And we secured our accommodation at the Forster Motor Inn - the last room for the night. How very lucky.
The room was pretty decent - 2 queen-sized beds offered ample sleeping space for all of us.
After dumping our bags, we went to the nearby beach just to relax and while the time away.
It was late afternoon by then, but the weather wasn't too chilly. Just nice enough to walk along the sand with a jacket draped over us.
Kor-kor turned photographer and offered to take a photo for Daddy & Mummy... hmmm, maybe he wanted to ask if he could play in the water later hor? Hahahaha... no wonder so nice lah.
And he even volunteered himself for Daddy to snap a photo too! Like that no need to think liao, confirm he wants to go splash the sea water later. :P
But the beach and sea view were really quite beautiful... and they even had an ocean bath, built just right beside the sea.
We then walked further down, to the bed of rocks near the sea...
... where of course more photo opportunities presented for Daddy.
In case you are wondering what kor-kor was up to, he was imitating Buzz Lightyear and pressing his laser button.
As for me... well, I am the ever-cooperative subject. Hee hee.

And while kor-kor was busy gathering seashells, I was more unorthodox - I collected pebbles instead! :P
Sometimes it's the simple things like these - going to the beach just to do nothing - that gives us the greatest of joys. :)

And that was when kor-kor finally popped the question - whether he could go splashing in the sea with his feet?
You should the answer judging from the look on his face.
So I just had to ask too. Kekekeke...
Although Mummy was feeling cold, somehow we weren't that afraid of the cold. We even requested to take off our jackets!!!
BRRRR!!! The water was definitely cold, but still bearable lah... It was unknown to us then, but it was to be superb training for us in the days to come...
But for now, we most definitely enjoyed our simple day out at the (cold) beach.
With the sun setting, we had to go back to our room for a quick bath before heading out nearby for some Chinese food. Yummy! I think Daddy & Mummy were looking forward to dinner so much more than us lor! Hahaha...
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