Yesterday early morning,
di-di & I got out of bed really early... all in anticipation of the Cold Storage Kids' Run at the F1 Pit Building!
Yep, no hint of tiredness from the both of us at all. In fact, both of us were raring to go... and I kept bugging Daddy & Mummy by asking how come the run hadn't began yet. Repeatedly. :P
Clara soon arrived too, and I'll be running together with her in the same category.
Kong-kong &
Por-por also dropped by to give us support!
Our turn soon came, and we were ushered into the holding area to... what else, wait some more
lor. But at least Daddy still can take more photos! Hee hee...

Can you tell that both Clara & I were absolutely raring to go? :P

But the heat was getting a bit uncomfortable
lah... all of us were perspiring buckets even before we ran!

Finally, the air horn sounded and we were off like the wind!

Ok... so I think Clara & I sprinted too fast in the beginning 'cos we were getting punctured by the time we reached the halfway mark of the 800m route. But pressed on we did!

And we were soon rewarded with the Finishing Line in sight...

Which of course galvanized both Clara & I!

And with a final dash, we crossed the finish line with a great sense of achievement!

All the kids there were truly winners!!!

Daddy then backtracked to look for
di-di, who was running together with Mummy.
It turned out that somewhere along the way,
di-di was bumped by another kid and he fell down and grazed his knee. Mummy feared the worst, as
di-di might request to be carried for the remainder of the run. But credit to him, he wanted to finish the whole run on his own and finish it he did! Yay!!!

And all of us were awarded medals!

But it's not made of gold me think. Hahaha...

Our 2 fervent supporters were definitely proud of us! Hee.

And what better way to replenish all those lost calories than to feast on Fried Chicken at POPEYES'!!!

WAHAHAHA... yum yum yum! And it seemed like a lot of people think the same way too, 'cos the place was packed! We even bumped into
Dylan & Rae Ann too!
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