Sorry for the lack of updates... 'cos Daddy's comp has passed out and is still in the ICU. And almost all the photos are in there lor. Hmmmm... Time for a new toy I reckon? WAHAHAHA...
Anyway, luckily I still have some pictures to show... as
di-di & I were at Polliwogs over the weekend for Clara's birthday and it was no big surprise that we enjoyed ourselves to the max!

Here's us when we first stepped into the play area - all sweet-smelling & nice, with nary a bead of perspiration.

And when the time came for us to adjourn to the party room for games, food and cake, the heads of
di-di's & mine were drenched and in Mummy's words - yucky. Hee hee...

But of course it didn't matter to us 'cos we both had lots of fun; and MORE MORE fun after the cake-cutting as it was back to the play area! Hahaha...
Hopefully, we'll get back our comp real soon... and we'll update more then! :P
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