Then Daddy had another surprise in store when he whipped out a Pinata - a Transformers-themed one which he specially customised on his own! :)
Jan 5, 2010
Birthday with Optimus
Sunday was the day I turned 5; and as I had kindly requested (or dictated), my party theme was to be Transformers!
It was a small affair lah - with just some of my close friends joining me to celebrate my special day. And like last year, my party was at our place; down at the playground area where all the kids can go crazy. Hee.
Here's my best buddy Timo! Glad that he could make it!
I had specifically requested to save a seat for him beside me during makan time you know. :P
After all the play and food, it was time for Optimus to make his appearance!
And I absolutely loved my cake! Think di-di was wondering if Optimus could be eaten or not? Hahaha...
I helped di-di to snuff out his candles during his last Birthday, so di-di also returned the favour when it was time to blow out my 5 candles. But not before singing the mandatory Birthday song of course - in both languages no less.
It pained my heart to have to slice through the Autobot logo but some boy has got to do it!
Di-di was only too happy to be able to finally taste the mango cake! :P
Then Daddy had another surprise in store when he whipped out a Pinata - a Transformers-themed one which he specially customised on his own! :)
No need to say - all of us kids were down on their knees. grabbing all the goodies our hands can hold when the pinata burst open.
A big Thanks to all my friends who turned up and also to their daddies & mummies for their wonderful presents!

After the party, Benji kor-kor, Clara, Sarah & Baby Zion all came up to my place for some more fun! This time with the Knights & Castle playset that Daddy & Mummy had given me for my birthday present.
Di-di konked out though, but he woke up just in time to join in the play before our guests left. Yep, with standing hair and all. Hahaha...
Guess he was a bit shy to to appear in front of the camera.
We even wanted to go for a swim but too bad it started to drizzle...
But I sure had a great time on my Birthday! Thank you one and all for your wishes!!!
Then Daddy had another surprise in store when he whipped out a Pinata - a Transformers-themed one which he specially customised on his own! :)
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