Teachers' Day. It was a rest day for all teachers & children alike. Well, erm... not so for parents I guess. 'Cos they had to find stuff for us kids to do and expend our energy. Hee hee...
So no wonder Daddy & Mummy were on leave on Tuesday; and so together with Timothy's & Bethany's Mummy, they plotted to try tire us out for the day...
YEPP, we went to Polliwogs again... 'cos ever since I was there the
last time, I had been clamouring Daddy & Mummy to bring
di-di & me back there again. Heh.

No wonder we were all in high spirits

Okay okay, don't waste time already... better quicken our footsteps 'cos I think I see a queue forming up!

It was quite crowded since it was a school holiday, so I guess it can't be helped... but for us kids, there was still ample room to run and play. I guess for the adults who were there, it got a little bit squeezy. :P
But squeeze or no squeeze, it didn't stop the four of us from diving straight into the ball pit!

Still ever the current fave for
di-di ever since he was a small toddler.

After tumbling with all the balls, we ventured out in our own separate ways... Bethany went straight for the high pinky swirly slide...

While Timo & I had a few targets in mind... hee hee...
Di-di was, well... just going around trying to look for me. :P

It was tough to stick to me 'cos I was zipping around everywhere, and perspiring profusely too!

Di-di did eventually find me hiding in a barrel...

... which he proceeded to copy me.

We spent our remaining play time at the toddlers' area... Timo & his sister were perpetually in the ball pit while
di-di & me were busy throwing balls at Daddy. All better to work up an appetite I say!

Haha,,, yes, it was time for lunch and we were given a private room to ourselves at Waraku Restaurant. Which was a masterstroke by the waitress there, 'cos you should have seen and heard us go absolutely wild and noisy in there!

Energy hadn't wore off yet
lah... Not when we were given colourful balls with flashing lights by the restaurant! Kekekeke...

After lunch, we bade farewell to Timothy & Bethany and headed home.
Headed home???Nah... not wanting to waste their leave, Daddy & Mummy brought us down to town after that for some
jalan-jalan. And amazingly,
di-di & I survived only on 30 minutes of sleep that day, which really meant that Daddy & Mummy had a peaceful night. Wait a minute, so that was what they were really plotting!
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