Recently, di-di picked up Daddy’s phone, brought it to me and said, “Kor-kor, call Ma-ma… call Ma-ma, puleezz….” Wah, it looks like he’s learning fast! Hee hee… ‘cos usually I’m the one who’s the one wanting to call somebody using Daddy’s phone and yes, I do know how to make a phone call hor.

And that’s where SingTel’s RedPAC Plan comes in. SingTel RedPAC is a postpaid mobile plan which goes by a month subscription of $8.56 per month. Unlike using a pre-paid card, Daddy and Mummy will not need to worry when the card is running on low value and also the hassle of topping up the card regularly.
Oops, but Daddy just reminded me that if I am thinking of calling & SMS-ing all my girlfriends in school and wasting his talktime & SMS, then I better think again… Daddy will be able to monitor my calls and SMS usage pattern with the aid of myBill – a SingTel ebilling system to keep track of a child’s mobile usage. So no expensive bills there!

Add an extra 150 SMS to any mobile number, free incoming calls & free 3-month Caller-ID to the RedPAC line, and I think di-di got all intrigued too! Hee.
I think in time, when di-di & me eventually get our own phones, Daddy would love to have a plan like RedPAC which allows children like us to experience a certain degree of independence, but at the same time it also allows parents like Daddy & Mummy to teach us how to associate cost with the calls & SMS we make and to cultivate good mobile etiquette especially since a mobile phone is almost an indispensable part of our lives.
As for me, I’ve got to learn how to SMS next!
Oh, and I just found out that for a limited period for those who sign up RedPAC from now til 31 August 2009can stand a chance to win Bay Grandstand tickets to the FORMULA 1 SINGTEL SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX for a family of 4 worth $1192!
Bring me to the F1 Race if you win?
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