Last Sunday, Daddy & Mummy suddenly decided to pack kor-kor & me off to JB for an impromptu night stay at Austin Hills, since Monday was a school holiday for the both of us. Well, who are we to protest right?
Kor-kor had actually been there before, long long time ago when he was 1.5 years old and I wasn't born yet. So lucky him, he got to enjoy the super spacious room for a 2nd time.
Yup, the room is so very big hor??? With 2 king-sized beds, kor-kor & I had such a wonderful time testing out the springs of the mattresses. Hahaha... And all for S$65 per night!
Austin Hills is only about 15-20 min drive away from Woodlands Checkpoint, and it's very near to the big malls of Jusco, Tesco and Carrefour which makes shopping & makan a breeze!
Kong-kong & Por-por gave kor-kor & me a big surprise by meeting us in our room... but too bad they can't stay over as they have to work the next day. Well, at least we did go have dinner together at Jusco and of course, played ourselves silly at the arcade there. Hee hee!
Next morning, we had our yummy breakfast just outside the golf resort, and I have to tell you... Mummy swears by the kopi at one of the shop there. :P
And yes, looking at what we were wearing... it's pretty obvious what we were going to do right after breakfast.
The pool was big and nice... a bit cold though 'cos it rained the previous night. So Mummy decided to stay out of the water instead. :P But no such worries for kor-kor!
Kor-kor's swimming pretty well now... compared to how he looked like when he was here in May 2006...
He has changed quite a fair bit don't you think??? Hahaha...
Anyway, I was enjoying myself pretty much too. Which is quite usual.

Then it was time to bid farewell to our large room and we headed back down to Jusco again for our lunch and erm, more games!

And we blissfully fell asleep in the car on the way back home after that. Shiok! :P
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