On Saturday,
di-di & I met up with my buddy, Timo and all 3 of us trooped down towards the floating platform at the Esplanade...

Hee hee... we looked so cute holding hands together hor? Timothy's
mei-mei Bethany, also went but she was being carried...
shiok lor, don't need to climb up the many flight of stairs. :P
And once we were up, we couldn't take our eyes off something...

It was the giant 'EYE' staring back at us on the stage. Yep, it was the National Day Parade NE3 show, and we were lucky enough to get tickets for it.

It had been ages since Daddy & Mummy attended a NDP show I think... so I guess they were pretty pleased too. Hee hee...

Well, but definitely not as excited and happy as all of us kiddos! It was
di-di's & my first-ever NDP show and boy, were we all hyped up!

di-di's current version of 'smiling for the camera' by the way... makes Daddy exasperated. Everytime.
We were seated at about 4.45pm... a good 1.5 hours before the show officially started. At least there were the colourful fun bags... loads of goodies inside; got eat
one, drink
one & play
one. Heh.

There was the standard Singapore flag... and also a heart-shaped light stick, but what I liked most was the drum which was put into very good use during the show.
Di-di, on the other hand, was focused on getting the number of stars on the flag right.

Free balloon sculptures were being handed out to the kids too and, of course I had to get one for Timothy and myself

We had great fun going at each other's throats with our balloon swords... pity I accidentally stepped on it a while later. Oops.

Which was quite alright actually, 'cos the pre-show segment was about to begin!

We were all whipped up into a frenzy by the hosts... we were told to scream and shout, do some Mexican wave (which was my first time doing it and I absolutely enjoyed it!) and also to sing Singapore a 'Happy Birthday' song.

Can you tell how much fun Timothy & I are having? Hahaha...

Then after a quick trip to the toilet, it was time for the main show to start. And we had to look up to cheer on the Red Lions who were spiraling down the sky to land directly in front of us!

We the audience had to go 'Oooooooooohh....' when one of the Red Lions uncle was making his descent and 'YEAHHH!!!' when he touched down. All very fun I must say... Yep, my mouth didn't rest a single bit until all the uncles landed safely. Heh.

Then it was time for the Army, Air Force, Navy and Home Team to show off their prowess... we had seen these military displays
3 weeks back when we were at Esplanade Bay for a picnic. But it sure looked just as cool on seeing them again!

The national anthem,
Majulah Singapura, was being sung after the contingents had formed up and as the helicopters bearing the huge Singapore Flag flew past...

... I felt obliged to stand at attention too! Hee hee...

The 21-gun salute was next and it sure didn't seem as loud compared to the last time, 'cos we were further away this time around. Then the loud engines of the fighter jets pierced through the sky...

Which signaled the official start to the performance segment of the show! Yippee!

There were huge giant boats that sailed right down to the front of the stage, coupled with many smaller floating boats that dotted the Singapore River... and on them were giant puppets which were dancing to the music.

The show was very colourful and infectious; Daddy & Mummy both absolutely loved it as it had a good mix of past Singapore NDP songs and retro songs. Together with very eye-catching sets, flamboyant costumes and energetic dancing moves, I too had a great time watching it!

I think Timothy & I were the most
siao on kiddos there... Both of us were up, standing on our seats and waving our flags, beating our drums to the music beat and waving our light sticks most of the time. Hee hee...

Time really shoots past so fast when one is having fun, and soon the show approached its finale...

Everyone was up on their feet singing the national anthem once again...

... which was followed by the main theme of this year's NDP - the Singapore Pledge.

Although Timothy & I don't really know the full pledge yet, we knew where we were supposed to place our right hands. :P

And as a final act, the Fireworks finally burst into life!

As the last bit of fireworks extinguished in the black sky, all of us (
Di-di in particular) were pretty drained out liao... We took final photos as we waited for the main crows to disperse...

And we the 4 kiddos used up our final ounce of energy for a group photo...

... before we headed back home for a nice bath & SLEEP! Heh.
I really really enjoyed myself at the show... now if only I can remember how to sing all the songs... then I can wave my light stick at home with the lights all out. :P
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