This was actually quite some time back... but better late than never. :P
We went to this cozy cafe at this disused firestation at Upper Bt Timah Road for some
makan, and it was well, quite aptly named Firestation. Haha...

The ambience looked pretty nice huh?
All I know was that
di-di & I were happily and busily exploring the place while waiting for our food to arrive!

Finally! First up: some chewy-like meat served with mushrooms and topped off with cheese. I loved it! In fact, I consumed Mummy's share too. Hee hee...
(Daddy's note: it was escargots actually...)
Then it was pizza next, and a very thin one too.

And one of
di-di's and my fave food - pasta! YUM!

Erm, Do I look very very satisfied?
Di-di must have been too, 'cos he finished all his food so fast. Or maybe that was because he wanted to explore the place further? Heh.

While Daddy was happily filling himself with the leftovers, Mummy & I went to relax at the swing... with
di-di still exploring on his own...

Hmmm... maybe we'll be back for a nice Sunday brunch soon... then
di-di & I can run ourselves silly at the green open spaces there. Yeah!
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