Guess where we were over the weekend?

YUP! The zippity
Di-di & I have not been there for quite some time already, so why not pay my fave animal - the giraffe a visit?

Of course I was happy
lah... hee hee... and I came across this giant sealion; hmmm, think he must have eaten lots of rice. That's why he grew so tall.

This time to the zoo,
di-di was definitely much more knowing of the animals that he saw... like the monkeys
nuah-ing up in the trees.

Mr. Sun was pretty relentless in shining down on us, so I asked Mummy for my hat.

Smart eh? Like that not so bright
liao mah. Hahaha...
And as usual, copycat
Di-di was scrambling to put on his sunglasses too.

Then we headed to say hello to more animals, like these unfriendly otters.
Di-di sayang their heads so many times but they still didn't respond. So he sat on them to teach them a lesson in the end. Hee hee...

Me too! :P
And as always, we always made a stop by the small river area to what else, throw small pebbles into the water

Only this time,
di-di seemed to be more
garang than me.

Inuka the polar bear was next...

And I also remembered to check if I have reached Inuka's height yet.

Well, apparently not. Oh well, gotta gorge on more food then! Hee.
And since it was a hot morning, it was a great excuse to hop onto the tram for a chance to rest and cool down. Of course Daddy readily approved.
Di-di was obviously enjoying the breeze and sights along the way...

We made a stop at the Amphitheatre next, 'cos there was a new show called 'Rainforest fights back'.

Both of us enjoyed the show;
di-di especially being seated motionless throughout the show. Hahaha... I remembered that before the show, I told Mummy that I wanted to look at the orangutans. So off we went.

The above photo was taken just seconds before
di-di fell flat onto the ground. Nothing serious, just a minor graze to the left knee. He didn't even cry at all... brave huh?

we, erm, monkeyed around somemore around the orangutans home, while Daddy & Mummy took the time to rest their legs. They weak

Then we bade farewell to Mummy & Baby orangutan as it soon approached lunch time.

There was still some time to say our hi's to the white tigers and tapirs as we made our way to the exit.

Then it was back to Daddy's car and time to hunt for a makan place!

You can't really tell, but we were famished
liao. :P
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