The Power of the Force
On Saturday which was Daddy's birthday, we made our way down to Suntec 'cos kor-kor had to go to the barber. He fussypot lah... kept complaining his hair very long, always poking his eyes & ears. I think he just loves to have his hair cut lor. Hahaha...
So anyway, it just so happened that Suntec had the Games Convention Asia there as well... so all of us went to take a look. And guess who we bumped into?
Wah... so many people in costumes; got white masks and black mask one. They're characters from Star Wars, and Daddy's a fan lor... you should see the boxes and boxes of Star Wars toys at home, but all unopened ones leh. What's the use of keeping when you can't open them and play? Hee hee...
Wah, think Daddy became like a small kid... like how I would feel when I see Thomas. HAHAHA... so of course he must take photo with his fave toy figurine - the Stormtrooper. But kor-kor was asleep though, so he missed out on all the hoo-ha. Me? I didn't even recognise these guys, so I just stoned at the camera lor. :P

A scout trooper tried to chat me up later... but I didn't really respond lah. But going over to the Dark Side I will not.
Then it was back home, 'cos we had swimming lessons in the evening. And this time Ye-ye & Ma-ma joined us at Turf City to take a look at how kor-kor & I dunk our heads into the water... and also to have dinner with us.
We had coffee & tea at Sol Playground cafe after dinner and boy, did kor-kor really enjoy his warm milk!
Like so shiok right? Hahaha...
I too enjoyed my iced chocolate, but greedy Daddy only left me a little bit to drink lor...
Hope you enjoyed your birthday, Daddy! :)
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