We had a Mooncake Party with some of Daddy's & Mummy's hostel friends at Brandon's place last Saturday, and boy... just seeing the mooncakes made
di-di & me feel so sugary high!

Yah, we very pro
hor... still got label the mooncakes so that we know what we were putting into our tummies. Hee hee...
Then, Daddy got a nice surprise as well!

His birthday is this coming weekend... so everyone sang him a nice happy birthday song. But it was the young kiddos that were fighting to blow out the candle! Hahahaha...

Of course my breath was the the strongest
lah... in fact, the candle had to be re-lit, 'cos the first time I snuffed out the flame before the birthday song was sung! :P

Then it was back to stuffing ourselves with the mooncakes! kekeke... Hope I don't wake up with a face as round as a mooncake the next morning.
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