Di-di & I have all along been attending a weekly Saturday morning class at Act 3. Yup, same school but different class 'cos we not the same age
mah. Oh, and my friend
Dylan is also in the same class as me!
So anyway, last Saturday was the end of Term 3 and my class was supposed to put up a short performance for all our parents to see. So that they can clap very loudly and feel proud? Hahaha...

We began the show by singing 2 songs to warm-up our throats first, complete with dancing moves of course. And then, it was time for the show to begin!
We briefly introduced ourselves to all the parents first, and we dived right into our first song - Five Little Ducks.

Teacher Asha was the narrator, and we just had to follow her instructions to act out whatever she was saying; like roaring like a monster to scare all the parents. That's my favourite part of the performance by the way. Hee...
And after the performance, amid thunderous applause, we each went up to Teacher Asha to receive our progress term report.

I was definitely most proud of it

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