Happy 中秋节!
Today's the Mid-Autumn Festival and we're off to a mooncake & lantern party! Hee hee... But first, Daddy & Mummy brought kor-kor & me to Chinatown yesterday evening after work to check out the lighted decorations there.
Wah... so many lanterns hor? But more importantly, can go gai-gai means we were in very high spirits lah! Hee hee...
Daddy mentioned the photo above was one of the rare occasions that both of us looked at the camera AND smiled.

Well, we of course had a great time just scampering around and looking at the nice hanging lanterns... although they were not lit yet as the sky hadn't turned dark.
So what to do... have to take more photos lor...

... and some more...
... until kor-kor spotted a Tom & Jerry paper lantern and he immediately wanted that to bring to the party today. :P
Yah, kor-kor likes to watch Tom & Jerry cartoons so much now... I also don't know how come so nice to watch... always the cat chasing the mouse only what. Watch my Mickey Mouse Clubhouse better lah. Heh. Oh, I also got a lantern too... but since they didn't have any Mickey Mouse or Pocoyo paper lanterns, I got a Tom & Jerry one by default too, courtesy of kor-kor lor.
We then went to have our dinner first at Chinatown Point, and di-di came across something interesting.
There were displays of unique lanterns, made of recycled materials complete with blinking lights. Good distraction while we waited for our food to arrive I say. Hahaha...
Dinner came and went quickly, 'cos kor-kor kept on harping that the sky was dark already... can carry his lantern already... can go out to see the lights already... yadda yadda yadda... :P

I think kor-kor really loved his lantern lots lots lots! Me? I didn't carry my lantern lah... I was being carried instead. HAHAHAHA!

It was getting quite crowded and I pretty much liked to see all the biggie lanterns and the so many colourful lights...
After that, there was even time for Daddy & Mummy to go drink some kopi while we, had some toast too. Yah, more eating! I like!
Ooh, time to go for our party and to chomp some mooncakes & pomelos! Yum yum!
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