It's my party
Yesterday evening, we had a small gathering of relatives at our place to celebrate my 2nd birthday!
I think kor-kor was more excited than me lor... he's at the age now where the word 'PARTY' means the whole world to him. PARTY means fun, PARTY means lots of friends, PARTY means loads of presents.
No wonder kor-kor kept insisting his birthday that his birthday MUST come first before mine! Hahaha... I also don't know how this birthday thing works lah, but I knew Daddy & Mummy ran out of saliva just by trying to explain to him. Hee hee...
Anyway, my presents more important! So I shall unwrap Ku-jie's pressie first...
It's a Thomas Train set! More to my collection... heh. Thanks Ku-jie!
Soon all the other relatives arrived and we started our BBQ. But kor-kor & me didn't eat much though, maybe 'cos we were just happy and busy playing with our toys.
See how hard I was trying to squirm out of Yi-gong's arms? Hahaha...
But as soon as Daddy yelled, "Cut cake time!", the both of us quickly dashed back to the table without any prompting. I was excited to see my cake mah...
It was a Thomas & Percy cake! I like! :)
Birthday song soon followed, and this time I can sing the song aloud liao... Well, technically not word for word... but it goes like this, "HA-PEE *jibberish* *jibberish* TOO U!..." Good enough lah.
Then it was blow out time!
Kor-kor was very sweet; although he was yearning like forever to blow out the candles, he waited for me to try blowing out the candles first. Only when I was having trouble with the last one, he then volunteered his service.
Daddy said I never smile throughout the cake ceremony wan... maybe 'cos I was just waiting to eat my chocolate cake?
Hee hee... I was so kancheong that I ate Tai-por's share of the cake.
And that was before I got my own slice of cake. :P
Which I walloped lah.
Ditto for kor-kor.

Overall, fun party for me... not forgetting the presents too! Hee hee...
When can we do this again? :P
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