At my unrelenting requests, with a bit of whining thrown in, Daddy brought
di-di & me to the Botanical Gardens to feed the fishes and tortoises again.

Hee hee... And once again, I was still so hungry that I had to even munch on a piece of bread while running to the lake.

This time, however, I decided to test my strength - by throwing a whole piece of bread as far as I can.

Can you spot the flying bread? Hahaha...

This time, the swans swam up really close to us. Maybe 'cos they saw the flying piece of bread and decided to come over for more! Hee hee...

I spent quite some time admiring the swans... while
di-di was busy exploring the surrounding areas.

And what do you know - it started raining soon after!
So with me running hand in hand with Daddy,
di-di was scooped up and we made a mad dash back to the visitors' centre for some shelter. Haha, so fun.

After all the unplanned exercise, tummies were rumbling and of course we had to head back home for a nice
makan... and hot bath too.
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