The simple pleasures
You know that the weekend is here when lots of kids swarm the park and especially the playground areas. Kor-kor & me included.
Yup, we were off to West Coast Park and unlike the last time where I forgot to bring my sand toys, I clearly wasn't taking any chances this time.
Think kor-kor too lah. Hee hee...
I held onto my spade ever so tightly from the moment we left our house, all the way in the car, and until we reached the park.

Well, erm... that was until we saw the huge playground structure anyway...
Then the both of us promptly ditched all our sand toys and scrambled onto the playground. Hahahaha...

Kor-kor was like a monkey, climbing up and down all the structures and scurrying across the bridges.
While I was more like a mole, crawling through the tunnels and holes at the playground.
Kor-kor especially liked this particular rope bridge where he went on it countless times. I did go on it once, but after a few steps I got stuck 'cos it was too wobbly for me! Heh. So Daddy had to come to rescue me lor. :P
But no such problems for my big kor-kor!
Then I remembered my orignal purpose that I came here for, which was to play with the sand. And so, I went to ask Mummy for my sand toys...
That was until I saw another boy holding a balloon. Which I immediately wanted to grab from him. Yah lor, I very buay paiseh one.
But unfortunately, Mummy stopped me in time which of course made me a bit upset. So I went to my own corner to sulk and pour sand into my sandals intead. :P
But I could never stay angry for long lah... especially when Mummy offered to shelter me from the hot sun. Hahahaha...

So yet another fun (and sweaty) day at the park once again...
Think kor-kor's already thinking when we should be back again liao. Heh.
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