I'm prancing around with Daddy's bolster because I've got a new toy!

It's a mini Asus Eee PC laptop for me to play all my
educational online games like
this. Yes, notice I
emphasized on the 'educational' bit... 'cos that's all I'm allowed to play for now.

Not that I am complaining of course. At least now Daddy will not be irritated by my incessant nagging to let me use his computer everytime. Hahaha...
But there are ground rules that came with the mini laptop too - I can only fiddle with it once per day and no more than 20 minutes each time.

See? No wonder I put on a fake smile when Daddy asked me to take a photo with the laptop. That's 'cos he's eating into my precious 20 minutes
And in case in you didn't notice, the cover of the laptop is pink. Well, erm... actually Daddy bought it for Mummy... just that I also get to enjoy joint-ownership privileges. Hee hee...

I really like it a lot - the touchpad and keyboard are a good size for my little fingers. And best of all, it's light! I've even learnt how to switch on & shut down the laptop too. Okay, better don't waste my 20 minutes any further... back to my 'work'!
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