I was originally cast as a pirate, but being a pirate means having to change my orignal classroom AND drama teacher. So if you know me, unfamiliarity is a big NO-NO in my books. Hahaha... In order to stay put in my classroom and stay close to my original teacher, I insisted on becoming a pixie. :P

But with a deft addition of a belt made of raffia, we were all ushered into the theatre and prepared to put up the best show ever for our parents.

Well... except for one instance when in the middle of a dance routine, I just walked up to the front of the stage and shouted, "Papa, I want to go pass urine!"
HAHAHAHAHAHA... so malu right? Hee hee... So of course Daddy had to put down his camera and bring me to toilet lor. :P

After that, all the adults gave us a thunderous applause and we received our certificates to mark the end of our week-long workshop.

There was a mini reception after the show and by then, it was quite obvious I was a bit hungry.

Overall, I really enjoyed myself during this workshop. I cried for a while on the first day though, and Mummy had to attend the class with me for about an hour. But the subsequent days were pretty alright and the tears stopped flowing. So I guessed Daddy & Mummy must be pretty proud of me then. Hee hee...
*Think Daddy would also put up videos of my performance too, as soon as he uploads them. Which, err... is pretty soon. I hope.
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