Nov 9, 2007

Our fave activity

Seems like nowadays when Daddy & Mummy want to tire us out, they'll just bring us to the swimming pool.

Hahaha... actually no lah, it's really because di-di and me love going swmming so much.

Well...... technically we can't swim yet. So I'll usually walk around in the swimming pool, splashing water everywhere.

While di-di also does more or less the same things - walking around endlessly. I think his stamina is even better than mine. Heh.

I especially like those pools that have a children's slide or some other play area in the pool. It's like having the best of both worlds; a playground in water. Hahaha...

Di-di still can't join me on the slides for now though... he'll usually stick to his kiddie rides for now.

But the funny thing is... no matter long we are in the sun, di-di forever still looks so fair, like he ate tau huay all his life. Me ah? The chao-ta index still keeps rising whenever I come out from the sun, no matter how thick slabs of sunscreen Mummy plasters onto me.

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