Recently, I'm coming up with more and more ways to play. Just the other night, I held onto my bolster and used it as a boat as I 'rowed' along the floor. Dady wanted to sit with me but I didn't allow. I scared my boat sink
lah... :P
Anyway, one of my other
'TOY-of-the-MOMENT' has to be my Playdoh playset. There's this nifty device that you can squeeze the
doh through many of the tiny holes and out come all these long wriggly worms... and it truly takes quite a fair bit of effort to squeeze you know. Just look at my constipated face.

Then I take on the imaginary role of a hairdresser and go
snip snip snip... off with the worms! Hee...

Amazingly, time duration spent on this playset? A good whole 40 minutes of me playing by myself. Plenty of time for Daddy to read the newspapers I reckon. Hahaha...
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