Finally some good weather over the weekend and so off to the farms we went!
First stop was at the goats farm - Hay Dairies, where I was eagerly anticipating to feed them. Hee hee...

I also had a chance to see how the goats were milked, which Daddy told me that I was going to try some later. Errr... ok, better hope it'll be nice then.

Ooh, feeding time! There were so many goats in the enclosures waiting for me, and I had only 1 bag of grass!
So I had to seriously decide how to ration my feed...

Finally, I decided to settle on this group of baby goats on my left side. They still growing
mah, so need all the energy that they can get. I can relate to that. :P

Then some goats tried to be funny and started to chomp at the bag of grass that I was holding in my hand. Naughty naughty... but
heng I
siam fast enough, foiling their cunning plan. :P

I could see that
di-di was enjoying himself at the farm too. His eyes were darting to and fro; I guess he must be wondering what those four-legged animals were. No matter, think by the need of the year he can join me in feeding the goats
liao. Oh, but that would mean I would need to share my bag of grass with him too... hmmm...

Daddy and Mummy said that I very
giam, 'cos I keep picking out the smaller pieces of grass to feed to the goats. Hahahaha... I'm thrifty okay?

All in all, I really enjoyed myself feeding the goats. I even had names for the goats; I call the bigger goats 'Papa Goat', the medium-sized ones 'Mama Goat' and the baby ones that I mostly fed 'Baby Goat'. Very endearing huh... Heh.

Soon, my supply of grass finally ran out and as promised, I was treated to a bottle of goat's milk. Mummy was afraid that I would not take too well to it 'cos it does taste a bit different from the usual cow's milk.
BUT NO WORRIES! I loved drinking it so much that I finished half the bottle in a single sitting. Hee hee... And if you are there, make sure you try the pineapple too! They are, oh so very the sweet
ah... very very nice!

Next stop: the Fish farm! And when I reached there, something caught my attention...

Can you guess what it is?

A tank full of jumping FROGS! I had never seen so many frogs before and I was just contented to stand there and see them hopping around. Mummy, on the other hand, was pretty squeamish 'cos she was scared that the frogs might jump out of the tank! Hahahaha...
Then it was off to take a look at the really big fish ponds.

The place was very nice; very breezy and lots of open spaces & greenery for that fresh smell of
kampung air.

I would be happy enough just to run around, but you know the adults... they were afraid I would plonk into the ponds accidentally. Spoilsports...

Lunchtime soon beckoned and we were off to our final stop of the day: Bollywood Veggies.

This farm grows organic fruits, vegetables & herbs, and is a fantastic place to have a nice stroll about on the farm to look at the various plants. You can even buy fresh produce there, or have a yummy meal at the bistro there. Which we did. Slurp!

I had for myself a bowl of potato & carrot soup, with some chicken, vegetables and rice. And it was truly delicious! I also heard from Daddy & Mummy that the chicken curry and fried drumlets were good too. No wonder I was in such good spirits!

We had a nice stroll in the farm after that. And without fail, it was just too good a chance for Daddy to take more photos. Heh.
Daddy tried asking me to pose for the camera; and since I was wearing a
Muay Thai bottom, Daddy asked me to clench my fists and hold them up. So I did this lor...

HAHAHA... I think I look so funny. :P

Then I spotted a few familiar plants, like the banana, coconut and in particular, the chili plant.

I can even recognise it from a mile away
ah, 'cos Mummy keeps telling me that it is hot! That was why when I saw it, I put my finger to my tongue to tell Mummy that it tastes hot.

There is also a beautiful lotus pond in the Sanctury area, but we didn't go there 'cos I was getting tired
liao. Oh, I forgot to mention that if you are at the bistro, do try their yummy Banana bread too! Daddy
dapao-ed some back and I had it for my afternoon snack. Hee.

I must say I have really enjoyed my excursions to the farms and I think
di-di did too.

Daddy says that there are still other farms in the area that we haven't explored, and most notably, the
Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve too. Ooh, I can hardly wait for my next farm outing! Hee hee...
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