Oh, another thing... I reckon my pre-molars are hatching a plot to escape from my gums; it's really getting a bit painful. So I guess that's why I tekan-ed Mummy last night by staying awake til... are you ready for this... 3.30AM!!! Yep, I just couldn't get back to sleep after waking up at midnight, and so to while away my time, I played with my toys and watched 1 disc of Mr. Barney. Hee hee...
Long time never experience this liao. Hopefully this isn't gg to happen every nite, if not sure pen sang ah.
Ash's mummy, I presume u gonna give birth soon.....u must takecare, rmb not to overstrain urself :) Hope ash's teething woes will soon be over. There's an old wives' tale saying the older kid will tend to behave differently weeks before the younger one is born, dunno how true.....
Hi Irene,
He's been okay these 2 nights, just tossing and whining a bit. Thank goodness!!!
Yeap, popping really soon... keke, in fact in less than 2 weeks time :)
Noticed that he is throwing more tantrums these 2 weeks and more clingy too. Maybe, there's indeed some truth in the old wives' tales. Or maybe, it's just the impending arrival of Terrible Two stage :(
Hi mummy ash,
Wow!! In less than 2 weeks time ur another bundle of joy will be out. Must congrats u in adv liao in case pop out earlier :) Gong Xi Gong Xi!! Will u be choosing c-sect again?
I lurve being pregnant, hopefully can get Wenzel another playmate soon :)
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