Roll call (left to right): Ainsley, Shayne, Jolene, Me! and Ramerez
We all had fun playing with my wide buffet of toys... but funnily enough, we didn't interact as much with each other. All of us were deeply engrossed in our own selection of toys. Maybe we haven't warmed up to each other yet lah...hee.

I too was just playing with my own toys...so Mummy noticed that I tended to interact better with adults than toddlers, 'cos I was trying to make small talk with the other mummies around. Which explains why I'll be off to an enrichment class at some school soon I think. Haha... But I dunno where yet; think Mummy still deciding where...

Anyway, all of us had a great time, and for once, ALL my toys were utilized very efficiently I must say. So I guess everyone went home happy! :P

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