So of course go out lor... and it was my 2nd time at the Botanic Gardens. :)
Wah, so many people go gardens to walk-walk... quite difficult for Daddy to get a parking lot (although we did found one in the end) - don't the other people want to sleep more on a public holiday??!?! Thought Daddy & Mummy were the only siao on ones to wake up so early. Hahaha...

There were so many more ducks at the pond compared to the last time when I went. Erm...come to think of it, me think it was a different pond leh. So means last time Daddy bring me to salah pond lah...chey!

So anyway, donch care lah... We brought 1 whole big loaf of bread to feed the ducks & fishes (but don't say I say wan ah, but hor the bread actually expired liao lor... we so bad right? Hee...). But in the end, they all walloped every crumb lah. Poor hungry fellows they were...
I also tried to throw the bread into the pond and the bread always fall to my feet only leh. All because of my short arms... So very frustrating can! Hmph!

After my bread habis, I started to run around the gardens. There really very big you know! I run and run and run...and fall down also lah. Hahaha... But not painful lah, 'cos got grass mah. Hee...

Then, I came across this group of older kids playing with bubbles! Also another of my favourite! So I just ran crazily towards them, to ty and catch the bubbles...

So many bubbles!!! But after a while they ran out of the soapy water liao, and I promptly lost interest. Heh... So I just continued running around on my own again. :P
After a while, I also tired liao...so bopian, Daddy got to carry me. Hahaha... It was a fun morning outing & workout. Definitely makes me wanna eat more for lunch! kekeke...
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