Yep, Daddy & Mummy brought me to an animal farm, off Jalan Kayu. There got so many animals! And somemore, all can touch wan you know. But I don't dare touch all of them lah... hee...

That's the 'VW Beetle' T-shirt that Aunt Maddy bought for me! Thanks Aunt Maddy!!! *beams* But hor, it's quite tight liao leh. Wrap me like bak chang... Daddy said the VW Beetle looks 3-D 'cos of my tummy. Hmph! Pot calling the kettle black I tell you... hahaha... Erm, think this will be the first and last time I'll be wearing it liao. Well, at least my di-di can wear it! :)
Anyway, as I was saying, there were lots of animals there; like lamb, pony, birds, swan, rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs. So many right??? And most of them quite friendly lah...

You can also get some food to feed the animals in exchange for a small donation to the farm. Daddy got some food pellets for the swan & fishes and food granules for the ponies & lambs. I tried feeding the lambs 'cos they were the friendliest! The swan was the naughtiest...super greedy somemore ah! It tried to snatch the food packet from Daddy's hands...tsk tsk tsk...

Me & my black pepper lamb chop...err, I mean cute little lamb! :P
I had a great time running around the farm, from enclosure to enclosure. I spent most of my time at the pond, 'cos I liked it the best! Maybe it's bacause of the many fishes swimming around. Daddy thinks it's just because the water reminds me of my bathtub at home, 'cos I keep wanting to enter the pond. Hahaha...

Soon, it was time to go home liao. But first must wash my hands, 'cos I touched many animals. There very convenient lah; got 1 tiny basin to wash hands, just for small kids like me! So welfare hor...

So yep, yet another fun-filled day! And tiring too! More reason to sleep more soundly... :P
Ashton, what farm is that?? I wanna ask my mummy to bring me too!!
It's called Animal Resort. You can ask ur Mummy to go to this website for the exact location.
Have fun! hehe...
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