After that, we went for a a walk along the beach; and again, Daddy went gila with his digicam lah...hahaha...

I really had a great time walking...walking...and walking! I saw quite a few kids cycling on their tricycles and on one occasion, I thought that one of the tricycle belonged to me, so I went up and grabbed hold of it. So paiseh only arh... :P
Then after that, Kong-kong brought me down by the beach...my 2nd time in 2 days! And I'm happy to report that my fear of the waves has been cured! YAY!!! Or maybe it's due to the fact that the waves are not as strong as Sentosa lah... Hahaha...
Well, in any case, I was quite happy walking around in the water, as you can see from the numerous photos below...heehee...

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