See my rashes? Look like some map hor? Hahaha... Heng the rashes are not itchy or causing me any discomfort. Double heng the rashes only appear on my torso, not on my face. If not, how to go out and see people??? Hee hee...
So it was off to see Dr. Ong again who diagnosed it as Roseola, otherwise known as 'fake measles'. No need medication, he said. Just let the rashes go off on their own in 3-4 days time. PHEW! Me no want eat any medicine! :P
On a happier note, I've got myself brand new shoes! :)
No choice mah, my feet getting bigger liao; old shoes cannot wear already. Daddy says, at this rate, my feet will catch up with Johor's Bigfoot liao. Hmph!

Sandals for the casual moment...

Shoes for the sporty individual in me...
NICE OR NOT? kekeke...
ashton kor kor, where u get those shoes from??? Is it expensive?? I like also... wanna ask mummy to buy for me too!
hi javier didi, i got my shoes at this shop called Colettee at United Square. Now they having 15%-20% discount storewide til end Feb! So my sandals cost $33.90 & my sports shoes are $25.40. Quite okay lah, that's why I got 2 pairs! hahaha...so hurry! :P
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