To suss out my musik genes (if any)...hahaha...

Daddy & Mummy just signed me up the trial class; just to see how I would respond to it. Well, initially I was quite subdued 'cos new surroundings mah. So I must take time to warm up my engine first...

But soon enough, I was up and running about liao! Hee hee...and poor Mummy had to run behind me all the time...
We had lots of music activities; like dancing, clapping hands, playing with some music instruments like the xylo...erm, dunno how to spell leh. Aiyah, that ding ding dang dang thingy lah, which you use a stick to hit it. :P

Sorry if the photos are a bit blur hor... 'cos only 1 parent was allowed to stay in the classroom, so poor Daddy had to wait outside the room and watch us in action through the glass door. And actually hor, I think cannot take photos wan lah, but I think Daddy got bored. HAHAHA...
Anyway, I was a bit distracted during the class 'cos I kept glancing at Daddy outside and smiling at him...hee hee. And there was once when I turned to look at him and Daddy just happened to walk away. And I cried!!! paiseh can. Daddy says, jialat time go nursery HOW???
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