'Cos Daddy & Mummy brought me to the Botanic Gardens for a morning walk. But strangely, the last I checked, it was just a normal day leh. Maybe they decided that they needed the exercise? Wahahaha...
And so, it was my first time...and first step into the Gardens...

Wah, really got a lot of green green stuff hor? So many trees, so many plants and so much grass! I wasn't really used to walking on grass yet - it feels a tad softer than concrete - so most of the time I was falling down, getting up, falling down... you get the picture lah.

But heng my bum harder than the grass, so not that pain lah. Hee hee... I was just glad that I didn't roll down the slight slope. :P

Soon, we came to this big big pond! It had many fishes and tortoises in it. But hor, they very poor thing lah, 'cos they like never eat for many years like that. Whenever Daddy threw some bread into the pond, a huge group of fishes will swim to the top and fight for the bread leh. Haiz...poor things lah. Lucky we brought quite a few pieces of bread lah. So hopefully they'll stay full until the next time I go back again.

I also got feed the fishes...well, at least I tried. I wanted to imitate Daddy by throwing the bread into the pond, but somehow my pieces usually end up at the bottom of my feet leh. Halfway through, a swan decided to try its luck and get some free food too! First time I see swan you know, somemore so close-up ah. Hahaha... but it was very pretty and erm, white...just like my porridge. Hee hee...

After some time, bread no more liao. So it was back to walking around the gardens...

I really enjoyed walking! Even when Daddy was carrying me, I was trying to squirm my way down so that I could make use of my 2 tiny but strong legs. Heh heh... I also like to use my legs to kick the brown leaves on the road. Whenever I see a brown leaf on the ground, I would walk towards it delibrately and kick it...then when I see another one down the road, I would walk towards it and kick it again... and repeat. Hahaha...

And sometimes, I would deviate from the road and walk onto the grass. 'Cos softer mah and not so painful if I fall on my precious bum. Hee... And after a while, I began leaving tiny footprints on the path 'cos of the wet grass, as the photo above will show. Very cute hor? Hahaha...

Soon, it was time to go back liao. But I definitely want to go back again! And next time, I'll bring more bread too. Confirm! (Wonder if the fishes like char siew bao? :P)
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