It's macaroni again; but this time it's tiny bits of pasta shaped like alphabets. I can only recognise A ('cos it stands for my name mah...hahaha) but the rest of the shapes I tak tahu. I heard it's organic somemore leh but frankly it tasted the same as per last time. :P
This time, Daddy boiled the soup which is to be used as a soup base for my pasta meal. I saw him put loads of stuff in; like potatoes, carrots, onions, tofu & pork ribs. Wah...SLURP! Then when the soup was done, Mummy scooped the soup up and added it into my macaroni.

Hmmm...looks much better than the last effort right? Hahaha...
And so I tasted it...
It was...SEDAP!
Jin ho jiak ah! :)
The soup was sweet and very nice; and the pasta was soft enough for my little teeth to chew. So I herby declare it to be a SUCCESS!!! Die-die must try ah! Haha...And unlike last time when I went italian, I didn't do a merlion this time. Heh.
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