It's time to celebrate Chinese New Year again! (and of course collect money too lah :P) And for this CNY specially, I've learnt a new trick - clasping my hands together and moving it up & down whenever someone goes, "Gong Xi! Gong Xi!" I'm told that this is a sure-fire way to line my pockets with more angpows. WAHAHAHA...

Gong Hei Fatt Choy! 2 kums in exchange for the red thingy in your hand can?
How's my kungfu outfit? Nice hor? I received quite a lot of good feedback from my relatives...Hee hee...
See the photo below? That's me last year; at 4 weeks old. So tiny hor...I dunno about you, but I definitely think that I'm more handsome now. HAHAHA...not I say wan lah, my relatives say wan. I where got so buay paiseh to compliment myself hor? Heh...

Yup! I'm already a FOX fan at such a tender age.
So onto the festivities!
First stop of the day: Ma-ma's & Ye-ye's house. And that was also where I got my first angpows of the day! Yippee!

With the help of Mummy, I served a cup of tea each to Ma-ma & Ye-ye. As you can see from the photo above, I can safely conclude that they were absolutely ecstatic, to say the least. HAHAHA... 2 cups of tea in exchange for 2 angpows. Hmmm...that's a sound piece of business on my part don't you think? hur hur hur...
After the adults had their steamboat lunch, it was off to Por-por's & Kong-kong's place!

There were so many people there! And most of them wanted to see me walk, 'cos they all think I look so cute while walking. Heng I also got collect angpows from them, so at least I was paid for my walking performance. :P
Yep, so the photo below shows me walking and clapping hands at the same time. Not an easy feat at least for me now lah.

Soon after, it was off again - this time to Mummy's por-por's (my Tai-por) place.
And it was here that I found my fave CNY goodie - the LOVELETTER! :)

See how much joy I'm having with my loveletter? It's those slim slim kind, not the usual thick ones; so it's very much easier for me to hold it in my hand and stuff it into my mouth. YUM YUM!!!
Daddy said for a moment, he thought that I was related to the Cookie Monster...

'Cos the way I handled my loveletter was the same as Cookie Monster handled his cookies - very messy and noisy. Hee hee...

After a long day ( & quite a few loveletters!), it was time to go home and rest liao... Mummy told me still got 2 more days of CNY visiting to go... WAH, sounds tiring siah. And it was indeed tiring for the first day 'cos I just fell asleep on the bed at 9.30pm by myself...all the way to the next morning! Daddy & Mummy must have been very very happy that I wasn't my usual awake self to ka-jiao them. :P
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