Well, Daddy & Mummy finally brought me to collect my cash prize & trophy liao. The people there wanted me to go along too, 'cos they say they want to take picture of me with my trophy. Haha...
So back home, Daddy tried to take a photo of me with my trophy too...but it was quite difficult lah. Hee. 'Cos either I was busy playing with the trophy or I was trying to crawl away from my sitting position.
So after countless shots & trying, Daddy finally settled on the following photo (though I didn't smile. :P)...

But at least I made up for it later with this seemingly posed shot. Hahaha...

Nice or not? :P Machiam like model right? Hee...
Also, I also just found out that my photo has appeared in another magazine! My 4th time leh...Hahaha... This time, my photo is in Women's Weekly (Feb'06 issue).
But too bad I didn't win the $100 cash prize leh...must be kelong wan lah...HEH HEH.

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