Actually, my birthday is on 3rd Jan 2006 lah, but Daddy & Mummy decided to bring the celebrations forward since it's a festive period and it's a perfect excuse for a Christmas party too! Suibian long as got PRESENTS & yummy CAKE can already! Hee...
So we'll all be going to a chalet for my birthday party (hope the bed is comfy there...heh) and we'll have 2 parties! Saturday is for family & relatives while Sunday is for Daddy's & Mummy's friends. Mummy says there'll be quite a few babies attending too (not to mention a few preggy mummies! :P), so me think it'll be lots of fun! Yippee!
Can't wait can't wait can't wait! :P

We were at Suntec (again) when we came across this nice little swing at the children's level. So Daddy promptly plopped me down on it.
I quite enjoyed it lah, as evident from the photos. Only thing was that Daddy didn't bring his digicam along, but how can miss a photo-taking opportunity right??? So Daddy had to just make do with his camera phone (again). Hee hee...

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