We brought Kong-kong for a buffet lunch at Downtown East last Sunday. I think the food not bad lah, at least I know the jelly is quite good! *burp* Hee hee...
There was some Barney show at Downtown East, so there were lots of Barney rides there. So Grandma chia me to 1 kiddie ride...

I looked pretty serious in the ride huh? Hahaha...driving the car mah, so must concentrate you know. :p
Then I bumped into my good ol'friend, Ronald again! The last time we met was sometime in July this year...I still have the photo taken last time...

So I took another photo with him again on Sunday. He very funny leh, still sitting in the same position as the last time I saw him, face expression also never change... Dunno his clothes got change or not leh? Hahaha...
Wah, look quite different hor? (Me lah, not Ronald) I can sit on his lap by myself already, unlike last time. My face also not so round liao. I look fairer compared to last time; oh that reminds me...I wanna go swimming soon, Daddy & Mummy! :) But I still like to hold on to my shoe while taking the photo...Hahaha, I guess some things never change. :p
And so, later in the night, Daddy & Mummy bought a cake for Kong-kong. We sang the Birthday Song again, but I still can't catch the lyrics yet leh. Hopefully I can master it by my 1 year old birthday! (which is coming REALLY SOON I'm told; so exciting!!!) :)

Yah lah, I know...machiam my birthday cake like that. Hahaha... I'm just being greedy; can't wait to eat the cake! Hee...
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