I've successfully gotten down from bed - the correct way. Previously, I'll just crawl to the edge of the bed and attempt to 'bungee' off. If Daddy or Mummy hadn't caught hold of me in time (many times in fact :P), I confirm piak on the floor and my face would have been like a piece of prata liao. Hahaha...
Now I'm smarter already. Once I reach the edge of the bed, I'll turn 180 degrees and go-stan, and just continue to go backwards til my feet touches the floor. But sometimes I gabra, so land on my bum instead. Well, at least better than land on my handsome face right? Hahahaha...
Maybe a video will give you a clearer picture... :)
On a more painful note, Daddy & Mummy have realised that 2 teeth from my upper gums are inching their way out. So that's the stupid reason why I've been waking up a lot these past few nights... I think haven't really come out yet lah, but Daddy & Mummy machiam found gold like that, keep wanting to pry my mouth open to see see look look. Bet they will want to take a photo of my teeth sooner or later too. Haiz...
Hi Ashley,
I am a big FAN of your blog (and my Daddy too). Can I add a link to your blog on my site? Then I don't need to access yr blog via Sharwyn JieJie's site. =P
Oh... almost forget to tell u that u look very yan dao with that new haircut.
thanks for your compliments! Erm..but by the way, my name's ashton hor, not ashley. Hee hee...
Yep, of cos u can link me on ur blog! no problemo! :)
Hi Ashton,
Ops... sorry. Something wrong with my Daddy's head while he was typing that. =P
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