I'm a copycat now; whatever the adults do, I'll just copy copy copy. Just the other day when Daddy coughed a few times, I also coughed a few times after I heard him. Hee hee...then Daddy very boh liao...he decided to cough a few more times. So I play along with him lor... anything that makes him happy. Hahaha...
Also, when Grandma hits any hard surface with her hands, I'll copy. When Grandpa screams while playing with me, I'll also copy. When Mummy takes the rattle to shake, I'll also copy. Not bad huh? :p

I can also 'high-five' with people leh. But of course you must take the initiative lah...hehe. You'll just have to raise your palm facing me, and I'll bring my palm to your palm. Of course not those slapping kind of 'high-five' lah, but guess it'll have to do for now.

Not only that, when Grandma flips to the first page which has a picture of an eye and a rabbit; and asks me 'Where's the eye?' or 'Where's the rabbit?', I'll point to them correctly! Zhen cong ming right? Heh...

Now I'm also trying to take my first step but everytime I take 1 step, I tumble down. Haiz... But I think i'm improving lah. The adults are hoping that I can walk a few steps soon. BUT little do they know...the day when I'm able to walk, is the day when I will bring terror fatigue happiness into their lives! MUAHAHAHAHAHA...
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