Funnily, Daddy didn't take as many photos as he would have liked because he was either carrying me or pushing my pram, while Mummy was carrying her shopping loot. So very leceh to whip out the camera so often... Heh. Anyway, nothing much to take also lah... It was shopping, shopping and more shopping, while I was sleeping through it all... :P

See me all tired & sweaty? Heh heh... We were shopping in Siam Square in the above photo when we came across this woman selling her stuff under a staircase! Like that also can ah...very interesting hor...
We stayed in Novotel Siam Square, which was very convenient. 'Cos it was near to all the shopping places like, the famed MBK, Siam Discovery Centre, Central World Plaza, Zen, Pratunam, and also the BTS station. Yep, me think Daddy & Mummy walked A LOT during these 3 days. I pity their legs...Hee...
I also went to the famed Chatuchak market. Fwah, it was so hot there but luckily we went there early in the morning at about 8am so it wasn't that hot yet. And because the walkways are quite narrow, my pram couldn't join us and my strong Daddy had to carry me throughout. Hee... Think his biceps became bigger liao...

That's me above, at Chatuchak taking a rest. Daddy & Mummy were having their lunch, some soupy beef noodles; while I can only look on and suck thumb...
Chatuchak really has lots and lots and lots of stuff! So many shops and the place was so big! I was having a headache just trying to recall which shops we had passed...Haha... But my fave shops there were those selling wind chimes. Whenever we passed by one such shop, I would lift my head and look at the chimes while listening to its melody. So very nice! But Daddy never buy one for me. :(

Food was good at BKK, especially since it was cheap, Daddy said. Haha... Daddy & Mummy had many meals in Bangkok but strangely, they didn't put on any excess weight. Why? 'Cos they have me to thank lor! Shopping, walking and lugging a 8.2kg load at the same time confirm lose weight wan lah! Guaranteed! :p

Also, I find that the Thai women there simply adores babies! Or maybe it's just that I'm cute? HAHAHA... Many of them love to play with me; touching my hand and making funny faces at me. And because I very suibian, I also let them carry me lor. Then some got even bolder and kissed me on my cheek! very shy you know... Heh.

BUT my favourite part of the holiday is the hotel! Hahaha... Everytime when I'm all so tired outside while Daddy & Mummy are shopping, but the moment we return to the hotel, I'm AWAKE again! I start crawling on the bed, standing up & down and playing with my toys. Heh... So sometimes, Daddy & Mummy got no choice but to leave me in my cot on my own for a while... Hmph!

And I simply love to soak in the water and playing with my rubber toys at the same time.
I also like to hit the water with my hands, with water splashing onto my face in the process. I don't why, but it sure is fun! Hee hee...
There was this one time when the water was still running and I tried to reach out to try to touch the stream of water. But I clumsy lah, lost my balance and my face went straight into the running water. I think I gulped in some water lah, but all I could remember was that I started wailing lor... So embarassing. But after 5 minutes, I was all happy again in my bathtub. Hahahaha...

I also got a bit sick of my cereal towards the last day of the holiday. I think I miss my porridge! Heh... But luckily, Daddy & Mummy had brought along many jars of baby food too. So that kept me full too when I didn't want to finish my cereal.
I must say Mummy had THE most fulfilling trip among all of us. I don't know why, but there was an extra luggage bag when we were leaving Bangkok. It wasn't there when we arrived. Hmmm... Think Mummy had many many many new tops, skirts, bottoms, shoes, accessories...I also think Daddy's gonna ban Mummy from shopping in Singapore for the rest of the year too. Hahaha...

Bye bye Bangkok! It had been a fun holiday on my first flying trip. Now my next target is to fly even further...But first, I gotta convince Daddy & Mummy I will sleep more on the plane. Hee...
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