And ALL of them are GIRLS!!! Woo Hoo!!! :)

Allow me to make the introduction:
From left...Baby Jolene, Baby Chloe & Baby Ainsley. :)
All of them came to my home and we had a great time together; playing with toys and crawling over one another. Hee hee...Think Mummy also enjoyed herself too; with all the mummies indulging in...well, mummy talk.
Mummy thinks I like mei-mei Ainsley the best, 'cos I tried to stroke her face and hold her shy.... but she bo-hiu me leh. -_-
Anyway, it was really a fun get-together. We should do this again sometime! :)

were you comment spammed?
Hee, Ashton has three girlfriends to choose from eh? :p
yes, let's do this again. How about 8th Oct at my place? btw, can also add me on MSN if you have. Mine is under my email
yeap, comments keep getting spammed.. so irritating.
Oops, forgot to reply to you via sms. 8 Oct should be okie for us. It was fun!!! Mummy, daddy and baby enjoyed it :)
Try the comment verification thing if it gets too bad. I had to put mine on it.
Ok, let's set the date then. Any other mothers interested?
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