Mummy decided to get me these Stacking Blocks to "improve my motor skills & cognitive abilities". Cheem, very cheem hor...hahaha...I also catch no ball lah.
All I know is that each of the block has its own activity and movement; and that I'll just need to press the top for some spinning action! Or I can also stack them up like this...

And I can press, flip, spin, turn them in anyway I want. Of course, I can lick them too...hee...

But my best way of playing with the blocks - To throw them all around! HAHAHA...

Next up...my Pop-Onz Playsets.
They are machiam like Lego; I can build the blocks in anyway I want. It also has music and comes with a spinning table as well. You can place the pieces on the spinning table and watch it go round & round. Hee...

Very colourful hor?
And yes, I can't resist the occasional 'anything-also-can-put-in-my-mouth' moment.

Of course, I can't do build the blocks by myself yet. Daddy & Mummy have to help me to do that, and they also tell me stories as they place the pieces.
Very nice... :)

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