Yep, it's my new found habit alright...With hobbies like this, who needs waxing? hee hee...

Yum Yum...somehow it soothes me and puts me in the mood for koon-ing. Needless to say, the whole string will be dripping wet with my saliva by the time I knock out. Hehe...
I'm also pretty curious (Mummy says kaypoh) to what's ever around me, which is pretty normal for a baby right? But, only thing is I'm also curious when I'm fast asleep! hahaha... I can't help it if I'm a light sleeper and wakes up to the slightest of sounds...
Take the picture below for example.
All Daddy wanted was to take a photo while I was sleeping. But clumsy Daddy made some noise which made me open my eyes. And this was the result...hee hee...

Mummy says I need a small soft toy to accompany me to sleep. Hmmm...But my guess is that her real motive is to place the soft toy beside me, so that she doesn't have to sleep beside me all the time when I'm asleep. :P
1 comment :
Timo had a habit of plucking & stroking his baby pillow to sleep. He's now 4 yrs old, & that worn looking pillow is still a must-have at bed-time. That pillow's been everywhere with him everday. Let's count, it's been to Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, etc.
Well, just wanted to pre-empt you that you may be looking at that bolster for a very long time to come!
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