So here goes.... a day in the life of BB Ash. :)
6.15 am - Rise and shine for Mummy and Daddy
6.45 am - Wakey wakey, Baby Ashy... time to change diapers too!
6.50 am - Lim neh-neh in the car
7.25 am - Grandma, I reach already!
7.30 am - Music time... la la la.. or sometimes, storybook time
8.00 am - Power nap
10.00am - Water play, or simply 'pom-pom'
10.30am - Foodie and nap time
1.00pm - Cereal time! Yummy!!!
3.00pm - Play time again...this time with Grandpa! :)
4.30pm - Susu time again
5.00pm - Power nap
6.15pm - A walk along the corridor
6.30pm - Daddy & Mummy are back!!!!!!!!!
8.00pm - Home Sweet Home
Pretty long day huh...but think Daddy & Mummy more poor things lah, have to wake up so early. :P
Anyway, what's a blog entry without any pictures right??? hee hee...So here are some of me working out at my gymini again. Me think I'm getting quite good at it...

Hi, welcome to my gymini!

Ooh... I like that little butterfly...

That's it lah, I'm going for it!'s harder than I thought...

Drats...mis-aim completely...

Sollie ah...Today off-form lah... :P
Hiyah, after all that hard work, better replenish my fluids.
That's my Avent Magic Cup!


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