I got the high-chair as my '1 month old' or 'man3 yue4' present, courtesy of Uncle Kasi & Aunty Sulin. It's big and comfy; and Daddy says that when I've outgrown it, it can be converted to a mini desk and chair for me to do my homework next time. Kewl huh...erm, not the homework part though....

3 duckies - Papa Duckie, Mama Duckie, Little Duckie - these are fave toys for the moment. Primarily because they taste nice in my tiny mouth. hahahaha....
I love them so much; if you even try to take them away from me for the slightest moment, I'll cry my lungs out for you to see ah.....Grandma has already felt the power of that...hee hee...

Yup, that's me alright, posing on the high-chair.

Erm, has anyone seen my duckies???
Last night must have been one of my worst crying spells...ever.
I cried non-stop for almost an hour. Haiz...

Nothing that Mummy & Daddy did could pacify me...even the usual carrying and suckling did not help one bit. I'm not sure what is wrong; all I know is that my lower gums feel sort of funny...a bit painful too. I finally calmed down when Daddy gave me my teething toy, fresh out from the refrigerator. That made my gums (and Daddy & Mummy) feel better...
So it's no surprise why Daddy & Mummy needed to drink 1 kopi each this morning...hee.
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