*koff koff*
Over the weekend, although my fever had subsided, but I realised I had a slight cough and runny nose too. :(
So it's off to my good ol'clinic, to 'kua' doctor lor.
Seems like a lot of younglings are sick too...so it's quite a long wait at the clinic. Daddy was bored, so he snapped these pictures of me waiting...and waiting...and waiting.....

OH, my turn liao!
Turns out that it's nothing serious; just a common cough & cold. But I had 3 different kind of medicine to take...so jialat...
And the medicine is YUCKY! But I nan2 zi3 han4 mah, so gotta put on a brave front...

Ooh...why I feeling drowsy all of a sudden? *YAWN*
Cannot liao...gotta koon....tired tired...
good nig..........................................................................