Jan 18, 2013

Making a Splash, Ayden-style

(Daddy blogs)

If you have been following our Facebook page updates - if you aren't, then why haven't you liked our page already??? - you would have known that on Tuesday, Ayd had the honour of being the first person in his primary school to fall into the school pond in 2013.

What an achievement.

Luckily for him, the water level in the pond is only knee-deep and he didn't emerge from the pond with any injuries. What did emerge was him looking like the Swamp Thing, complete with algae and duckweeds.

The school did provide him with a change of school uniforms and he was okay to continue with the rest of the day in school... save for his mucky faint green shoes.

It turned out that he had accidentally slipped while hanging around the school pond during recess. And we admit, that didn't surprise the wifey and me at all. After all, this was the Ayd who had gotten lost in LEGOLAND Malaysia and fallen alseep in class on the first day of school.

The incident didn't seem to faze him that much. Something else bothered him though - upon hearing that there were tadpoles in the pond he grew extremely concerned that he might have squished some tadpoles when he fell into the water!

I honestly don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

But one thing's for sure: life is never dull with this fella. MORE (mis)adventures of Ayd to come in 2013?
I wouldn't bet against it.

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